「スコット・ピルグリム テイクス・オフ」クリティクス・チョイス・アワード受賞 監督コメント
「スコット・ピルグリム テイクス・オフ」
第29回クリティクス・チョイス・アワード アニメシリーズ賞受賞によせて
Thank you for the wonderful award.
It is a great honor to have Scott Pilgrim Takes Off be the first work by a Japanese animation studio to win the Critics’ Choice Awards Best Animated Series award. Winning this award would have been impossible without the help of the staff members in both the USA and in Japan, the cast, and everyone who watched the series. Thank you so much.
Japan has experienced some large-scale disasters since the beginning of the year, and I hope that this announcement can bring some joy to the people here. I and everyone else here at Science SARU look forward to showing you what else we’re currently working on.
Abel Góngora
January 2024
「スコット・ピルグリム テイクス・オフ」監督アベル・ゴンゴラ